
Joseph Hammond is an award-winning journalist and fellow with the Center of Media and Peace Initiatives.
Joseph is the moderator the Commonwealth Africa Initiative and is also a member of the African Union’s iDove initiative – a grassroots youth effort to counter violent extremism on the continent. A former Cairo correspondent for Radio Free Europe during the Arab Spring, Joseph has also reported from four continents on issues ranging from the Arab Spring to the M23 rebellion in the Eastern Congo. His writing has been published by a number of publications including Economist, Al-Arabiya, Monocle, U.S News and World Report, Christian Science Monitor, Forbes, International Business Times, The Diplomat, and international editions of Esquire, and Rolling Stone.
As a consultant, Joseph worked for the Politico Focus, Oxford Business Group, Global Integrity, and has also worked on international aid projects related to conflict issues. In these roles and others, he has worked in Qatar, Egypt, Turkey, Indonesia, Bahrain, Jordan, Ghana, the Czech Republic, and elsewhere. He was a 2014-2015 Fulbright public policy fellow with the government of Malawi. He has also completed fellowships and leadership programs with the Commonwealth of Nations, National Endowment for Democracy, Atlantic Bruecke, the Atlantic Council of the United States, Hollings Center for International Dialogue, International Centre for Journalism, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America Foundation and other institutions. He speaks enough Spanish and Arabic to discuss boxing – his favorite sport.