Trying to highlight only one aspect about the great ADEL experience is not an easy task. However, we chose to emphasize not the professional realm, but the fostering of people-to-people relations. One of the most important results of the experience – apart from the enriching discussions – was to get to know each other and start a profound friendship.
Senior Policy Advisor, Her Majesty’s Treasury, UK
" The participation to the Emerging Leaders Program encouraged me to articulate my own goals and vision to myself.
I now have a varied network of young professionals across the world, whom I have met with since, and I found the experience of presenting on stage with my peers in front of experts an extremely valuable learning experience."
Deputy Mayor in charge of Digital and Vocational Training, Champigny-sur-Marne, Paris Region
" En 2018 j'ai eu l'opportunité de faire partie de la promotion 2018 des Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders. Ce programme de qualité mis en place par Policy Center for the New South était une véritable formation intensive qui m'a permis de bénéficier d'outils, d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences en leadership, design thinking, prise de parole en public mais aussi de novelles connaissances en matière de relations internationales.
Founder & CEO, The SOLI Group, Nigeria
“The ADEL program created an engaging and welcoming space, in which open dialogue on key issues facing the Global South was able to be discussed without fear of censorship. I had a wonderful time meeting and bonding with the other participants—which, considering I am typically a bit of a silent participant in these programs, is really saying something.
Public Relations Officer to the Director-General, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Morocco
"The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program is a valuable platform that brings together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders from various nationalities to discuss the complexities of public policy shaping and the evolving dynamics of transatlantic diplomacy. The events facilitated an insightful exchange of ideas on how Western and developing nations can collaborate to create inclusive and effective policy frameworks.
Manager, Global Government Relations, Accenture
" The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program stands out for its networking. The 2014 Emerging Leaders have stayed in close contact, sharing their accomplishments and opportunities for collaboration. It is an alumni group that I am confident will maintain its strength into the future. "
Associate Fellow, Observer Research Foundation, India
"The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders Programme was a great reminder that real problem-solving happens when different perspectives come together. Sitting with people from development economics, technology, and climate policy—each from different parts of the world—made it clear that no single field has all the answers. The real value lies in connecting ideas across disciplines.
CEO and Co-Founder, EVOCRAFT, Tunisia
" L’expérience que je viens de vivre dans le cadre de ce programme Emerging Leader va constituer une source d’inspiration dans ma vie professionnelle de jeune élue locale et d’entrepreneure. C’est la toute première fois que je participe à un programme qui offre autant de thématiques et qui met en liaison des jeunes de différents horizons. "
Program Officer, Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange, Morocco
''My ADEL experience was a wonderful experience.
CEO, Empeople
" The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders program is the perfect gathering for thinkers and doers to connect and collaborate, under the sharp vision of the Policy Center for the New South. The meeting gathers high level panelists and experts from all over the world and creates a wonderful space to challenge ideas and concepts.
Postgraduate Student, Columbia University, Canada
" The ability to debate shared 21st-century challenges with an array of emerging leaders with diverse backgrounds - representing the North and South Atlantic, developing and developed countries, and the public, private and nonprofit sectors - made the program an immensely worthwhile and valuable experience. I recommend it to everyone. "
Special Adviser to the Deputy Mayor of the Buenos Aires City Government, Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
“The Atlantic Dialogues Emerging Leaders (ADEL) program was a transformative experience that exceeded all expectations. The program’s passion—for connection, for dialogue, for knowledge, and for progress—is contagious, and I hope it never loses that spark.