تونس منذ 25 يوليوز 2021:إلى أين ؟

August 2, 2022

يخصص مركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد حلقة برنامجه الأسبوعي "حديث الثلاثاء" لقراءة التطورات الحاصلة 2022 يوليوز 25بتونس، منذ إعلان حالة الإستثناء يوم مع عبد السلام جلدي، باحث في العلاقات الدولية والسياسات العامة بمركز السياسات من أجل الجنوب الجديد وياسمين وردي عكريمي، باحثة بمركز بروكسل الدولي

نعود خلال هاته الحلقة إلى فحص الأزمة الدستورية التي تعيشها تونس منذ إعلان حالة الإستثناء التي حولت البلاد من ديمقراطية في أزمة إلى نظام استثنائي ، فضلاً عن خصائص الجمهورية التونسية الثالثة، في ظل أزمة اقتصادية و إجتماعية حادة تهز البلاد وتهدد ماليتها بالإفلاس

Akram Zaoui
Manager – Research Support & Public Policy Lab
Akram Zaoui is an International Relations Specialist at the Policy Center for the New South, where he works on the geopolitics of the Middle East and North Africa. After several experiences that led him to work for public and private entities in Jordan, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates, he devoted himself for almost 2 years to the issue of Islam in France. In this context, he has contributed to academic productions and field missions and has been in charge of the coordination, preparation and evaluation of the action of different actors involved in the issue (public institutions, private operators, civil society organizations and personalities, media, and academic institutions and researches,). He holds a Dual Degree in Corporate and Public Management from HEC Paris (“Prog ...
Abdessalam Saad Jaldi
International Relations Specialist
Abdessalam Jaldi is an International Relations Specialist, with a focus on International Law and International Relations. He is currently working in the Policy Center for the New South as a core member of an analytical study examining the Maghreb mutations, the Euro-African relations, the new tendencies of international law and the influence of India and Africa. Ph.D Doctor in Law from France in 2018, he has four years of experience working in non-profit, social research and electoral observations. ...
Yasmine Akrimi
Analyste de recherche sur l'Afrique du Nord au Brussels International Center (BIC)


  • October 13, 2022
    Le réservoir de jeunes dans la région représente une mine à exploiter. Cependant, l’effet de dividende démographique reste confronter dans la région à de multiples défis. Il reste subordonné à la capacité d’accélérer le processus des réformes en mesure d’améliorer l'environnement de son...
  • Authors
    October 12, 2022
    There is an international movement to tighten monetary and fiscal policies as a response to the global inflation phenomenon. Accordingly, global economic growth projections for 2022 and 2023 have been revised downward. As inflation will decline only gradually, given the price stickiness of its core components, there is likely to be momentarily a situation of stagflation, i.e. a combination of significant inflation and low or negative GDP growth. We discuss how the current global s ...
  • Authors
    October 12, 2022
    A merchant ship passed Turkey’s Bosphorus  Strait on its way from Syria to Russia late last month, observed “Bloomberg”( August 9, 2022), transporting military equipment, including trucks, documented by satellite imagery. The “Sparta II”, a cargo ship leased by Oboronlogistika to the Russian military, was on its way from Tartus to the Black Sea harbor Novorosslysk. No tanks were sighted, or Russian fighter jets, just these trucks, but   the moderate value of the cargo, noted Bloom ...
  • October 7, 2022
    “The debate on the viability of industrial policy design based on the fragmentation of global value chains, from a cost optimization perspective, did not arise first in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis but was present long before. This industrial policy design was justified by the great development of logistics and transport across the world’s industrial clusters, which allowed just-in-time manufacturing to become the main adopted production model. However, the disruption of logistic ...
  • Authors
    October 6, 2022
    “Within the realm of military conflicts, the Atlantic Basin can be considered a relatively peaceful area, especially in the northern part. However, the region has faced unprecedented challenges in terms of policy planning and strategizing with the emergence of the global pandemic, the stagnating economic growth, and the population’s growing discontent toward public institutions. The conjunction of sanitary, economic, and political crisis has questioned the historical stability of we ...
  • Authors
    October 5, 2022
    Le présent Policy Brief tente d’apporter une réponse à la question de l’intérêt de l’Europe dans la réalisation du projet de Gazoduc Nigeria-Maroc. Six arguments sont avancés pour fonder l’existence et la pertinence d’un tel intérêt. 1) Le projet participerait efficacement à la diversification des ressources gazières des pays européens et leur donnerait plus de marge de manoeuvre. 2) La mise en place du gazoduc participerait à l’édification d’une nouvelle génération de mesures qui a ...
  • October 4, 2022
    سبق وأطلق المغرب مخطط العمل الوطني حول النساء والسلم والأمن بهدف النهوض بالمساواة بين الجنسين، وإشراك المرأة في صنع القرار تطبيقا لقرار مجلس الأمن التابع للأمم المتحدة رقم 1325 الذي جرى اعتماده بالإجماع من قبل مجلس الأمن الدولي في 31 أكتوبر 2000، والذي يحث الأمم المتحدة وجميع الدول الأع...
  • Authors
    September 30, 2022
    Lorsque l’URSS (Union des Républiques socialistes soviétiques) est démantelée ; il s’installe en Occident un sentiment de victoire définitive qui porte au trône du monde la puissance occidentale, démocratique et libérale. La mondialisation, qui avait timidement pointé du nez durant les années 80, commence à s’ériger en occidentalisation du monde. L’Occident n’avait pourtant pas su gérer sa victoire. Au lieu d’intégrer le continuateur de l’URSS, il le marginalise et l’ ...