Publications /
Policy Brief

Changes in the Commodities Market - Part 2: What is the role for international trading companies?
February 4, 2015

The gradual withdrawal of western banks from the commodity sector is a significant opportunity for the historically large traders, whose economic role should be strengthened. These traders however are facing new constraints: reduced margins, competition from other industry players operating in vertical integration strategies and the rise of Asian traders. International trade is now at a historic turning point.


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    Since 2020, the international community has been witnessing seismic changes in several spheres. COVID-19 has disrupted global production and its supply chains. The war in Ukraine has sparked an energy crisis, induced food insecurity, resulting in acute effects for the most vulnerable. T...
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    Umberto Profazio
    December 14, 2022
    This ninth edition of “Atlantic Currents” appears in an international context marked predominantly by a ten month-war between Russia and Nato members that began February 2022. The war is affecting not only the European and American member States directly and actively involved in an unprecedented manner, but more importantly the countries of the global South that have suffered collateral damage. Indeed, the nations of the world were barely out of the most painful and costly phase o ...
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  • December 14, 2022
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  • Authors
    December 9, 2022
    The global wave of democratic retrenchment has not spared North Africa as seen in the cases of Tunisia and Sudan, where democratic transitions have stalled or regressed into autocracy. How do to explain Tunisia and Sudan’s troubled transitions from authoritarian rule? Both states are attempting to transition from single-party authoritarianism. In both cases, economic crises exacerbated by COVID, the Russian-Ukraine war, and involvement by external actors stymied the fragile transiti ...
  • Authors
    Amr Abdelrahim
    December 9, 2022
    Depuis quelques années, l’activisme accru de la politique étrangère égyptienne – dans son voisinage africain, méditerranéen et moyen- oriental – donne l’impression du retour d’une puissance régionale dont l’influence s’est pourtant essoufflée à la fin des années 1960. L’avènement du président Abdel Fattah Al-Sissi marque une rupture avec la « diplomatie réactive » de l’ère Moubarak. Cependant, le pays ne dispose simplement plus de ressources militaires, économiques et ...
  • December 8, 2022
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  • December 6, 2022
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