AuthorsApril 2, 2019Donald Trump finally has met a strongman he does not like. After making friends with authoritarian figures around the world, in Beijing, Budapest and Moscow, Ankara, Riyadh, Cairo and Manila or Jerusalem .He even fell in love with Kim Jong un, the dictator in North Korea, who’ s self righteousness borders the pathological narcissism of Donald Trump, who doesn’t mind that his love had his uncle executed and his brother poisoned. Trump is not wavering in the defense of Mohamed bin Sal ...
Julien NocettiApril 02, 2019Ce podcast est présenté par M. Julien Nocetti. L’intelligence artificielle est un sujet à la fois à la mode et difficile à traiter d’une perspective de politique internationale. L’intelli ...
AuthorsJean ZaganiarisApril 1, 2019Lundi 25 mars 2019, à la Maison Blanche, Donald Trump a signé un décret reconnaissant officiellement la souveraineté d'Israël sur le plateau du Golan, soutenant le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu. Quelles seront les conséquences de ce revirement de la diplomatie américaine au Moyen-Orient ? Pendant que les deux chefs d’Etat posaient devant les photographes, des avions de chasse israéliens bombardaient Gaza, en représailles des tirs de roquette palestiniens sur Tel Aviv ...
March 29, 2019Présentation du rapport ARCADIA 2019 : l’Afrique et les marchés mondiaux de matières premières Abdelkabir Kamili, Enseignant Chercheur, Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique ...
March 29, 2019Amanda Bisong - Researcher (European Center for development Policy Management - ECDPM)– Netherlands ...
March 29, 2019Présentation du rapport ARCADIA 2019 : l’Afrique et les marchés mondiaux de matières premières Yves Jégourel, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South ...
March 29, 2019Pr. Larabi Jaidi - Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South ...
March 29, 2019Présentation du rapport ARCADIA 2019 : l’Afrique et les marchés mondiaux de matières premières Abdellah Mouttaqi, Secrétaire Général, ONHYM ...
March 27, 2019Obadiah Mailafia. Economist (Nigeria) ...
AuthorsMarch 26, 2019The opening of the border between Ethiopia and Eritrea symbolized an important phase in the newfound relations between the two. Since their rapprochement in June 2018, events have occurred at a frenzied pace, yet much was still in the political arena and removed from demonstrating tangible benefits to average citizens. By opening the border, the leaders of Ethiopia and Eritrea changed that. Yet the border opening also reveals an insight into a previously isolated and largely closed ...