في ضوء المؤتمر السنوي للسلم والأمن بإفريقيا حول إعادة الإعمار بعد الصراع في أفريقيا
عرفت السنوات الأخيرة اضطرابات جيوسياسية واقتصادية على المستوى العالمي. ومع تزايد زخم الأحداث، دخل العالم فترة تحول جيوسياسي واقتصادي تعلن نهاية دورة تاريخية وتُنبِّؤ بآفاق غير مؤكدة لدورة جديدة. وعليه، ...
Le secteur informel est une composante essentielle de l'économie marocaine, employant une large partie de la population, mais nuisant à la productivité, aux recettes fiscales de l’État et à la croissance économique à long terme. Sur la base de la définition adoptée dans cette étude et qui définit les travailleurs informels comme étant ceux qui ne sont pas couverts par les régimes contributifs de sécurité sociale de la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) et d ...
L'éducation et le patrimoine culturel sont interconnectés. L'éducation permet la transmission et la préservation du patrimoine culturel, tandis que le patrimoine culturel enrichit l'éduca ...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) organized a joint event titled “Renewing the Dialogue on Inclusive Growth in MENA: Re-Framing the Debate and Setting the Agenda” took place on Friday 16th of June 2023, started at 10:30 am (Rabat time G...
This paper was originally published on tandfonline.com
This paper explores new pathways to women's empowerment, including household structure, family support, satisfaction and self-esteem, and trust in institutions and politicians, and their impact on labor market participation, with a specific focus on gender differences. Using a microeconomic database of 7,860 individuals from North Africa and employing a Probit model, we find that gender significantly influences labor market ...
Chair: Mehdi Benomar, Head – Research in International Relations, Policy Center for the New SouthSpeakers:
- Jamal Machrouh, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South
- Nezha Alaoui M’hammdi, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South
- Sâ Benjamin Traoré, Assistant Professor, ...
Chair: Mehdi Benomar, Head – Research in International Relations, Policy Center for the New SouthSpeakers:
- Jamal Machrouh, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South
- Nezha Alaoui M’hammdi, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South
- Sâ Benjamin Traoré, Assistant Professor, ...
Chair: Mehdi Benomar, Head – Research in International Relations, Policy Center for the New SouthSpeakers:
- Jamal Machrouh, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South
- Nezha Alaoui M’hammdi, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South
- Sâ Benjamin Traoré, Assistant Professor, ...
Ghana achieved lower middle-income country status by 2011. However, its growth path in the previous decades did not lay the foundations for the economic transformation of Ghanaian agriculture and therefore its overall economy. It relied primarily on extractive and non-renewable resources (gold and oil) and cocoa exports, and it did not diversify. While much progress was made in poverty reduction, pervasive low productivity and job informality continue to condemn millions to poverty, ...
Welcoming Remarks: Rachid El Houdaigui, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South 1
Opening Conversation
Chair : Mounia Boucetta, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South
Speaker: Her Excellency Catherine Samba-Panza, Former President, Central African Republic