This podcast addresses the intersectionality of oppression, more specifically the intersection of race and gender and what that means in terms of access to privilege in today’s society. W ...
The events in Iraq and Syria over the last seven years constitute one of the darkest pages in recent history. The so-called Islamic State (IS) managed to control an area the size of Britain and dominated its residents with an iron fist. It subjugated, terrorized and confiscated property...
There remains tremendous uncertainty and prospects of a post-pandemic recovery vary greatly across countries, as it is bound to happen at different paces. And the divergence of per capita incomes in the world is rising as an aftermath of the pandemic. The pandemic will leave scars in la...
This panel aims to reveal servicewomen, peace operations, and improvement of their direct participation to different levels of peace operations. • Insights from peace operations missions in Africa. • Integration of gender perspectives in the peace operations. • Power of gender-crossing ...
L'indice mondial de la paix (Global Peace Index), qui en est à sa quatorzième édition, est la publication phare de l'Institut pour l'économie et la paix (IEP- Institute for Economics & Peace). L'indice mondial de la paix (GPI) présente l'une des analyses basées sur des données les p...
Président : Zineb BENALLA, PDG et fondatrice, Eirene Associates Int.
Conférenciers :
- Rida Lyammouri, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South
- Nayanka Paquete Perdigão, assoc...
The Global Peace Index is the flagship publication of the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) and is now on its fourteenth edition. The Global Peace Index (GPI) presents one of the most comprehensive data-driven analysis on trends in peace worldwide, the economic value of peace an...
PANEL 4 : RENFORCEMENT DE LA PRÉSENCE ET DE LA PARTICIPATION DES FEMMES DANS LES MISSIONS DE MAINTIEN DE LA PAIX Ce panel se propose de présenter les femmes soldats, les opérations de paix et l'amélioration de leur participation directe à différents niveaux des opérations de maintien de...
ALLOCUTIONS D'OUVERTURE - Karim El Aynaoui, président exécutif, Policy Center for the New South - Rachid El Houdaigui, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South DISCUSSION INTRODUCTIVE Président : Mabingue Ngom, directeur régional du Fonds des Nations unies pour la population pour ...