Moderator: Alan Kasujja, Presenter, BBC News - Uri Dadush, Senior Fellow, OCP Policy Center - Yang Guang, General Director, Institute for West-Asian and African Studies, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - Laoye Jaiyeola, CEO, Nigerian Economic Summit Group - Miguel Angel Moratinos...
Le rapport Atlantic Currents 2017 sort en marge de la 6ème édition des Atlantic Dialogues, conférence de haut niveau organisée annuellement au Maroc par l’OCP Policy Center et ayant comme mission de promouvoir le dialogue transatlantique entre toutes les parties prenantes de cet espace géostratégique (Afrique, Caraïbes, Europe, Amérique latine et États-Unis), un dialogue devenu nécessité vu les changements rapides survenus de tous les côtés de l'Atlantique au cours des dernières ann ...
Infrastructure development is a key factor for growth and an essential catalyst for sustainable and socially inclusive development. The emergence of a large middle-class on the African continent is driving the demand for socio-economic infrastructure including access to water and sanita...
Unemployment and underemployment rates among youth have dramatically increased in the past decade in Africa. The current education system often fails to provide its youth with adequate skills, even at the most basic level. • What are the skills needed in the new technological age? How c...
African countries have suffered from a persistent and widening financing gap. With levels of accumulation of wealth reaching record peaks in industrialized economies, and more recently in the BRICS and Asian economies, and interest rates low, there exists a major opportunity to reorient...
Africa’s geopolitics is characterized by cooperation and competition over abundant natural resources, as well as a desire of African countries to deepen their integration with each other and to forge stronger links with the world’s traditional and emerging superpowers. In addition to na...
Africa and Latin America share deep cultural, ethnic and historical ties, rooted in waves of migration. Latin America is richer, yet the two regions share a dependence on primary commodities and have faced similar economic challenges in recent years as commodity prices boomed and then d...
Africa has a history of foreign military interventions, dating back to the colonial era. The 21st century has seen an intensification of foreign and intra-African military intervention. The reasons include competition and the desire to maintain spheres of influence, the war on terrorism...