( EN ) Plenary X: Tiempos de Cambio en América Latina: Nuevos Vientos en Busca de Una Voz del Su

December 14, 2019

Modera Lourival Sant’Anna, Periodista de Asuntes Exteriores, O Estado de Sao Paulo y CBN Radio Ponentes Jamil Mahuad, Expresidente, República del Ecuador Federico Ramón Puerta, Expresidente; Embajador de la República Argentina en España



  • July 14, 2017
    Thinking creatively the bilateral relationship of Brazil and Morocco is quintessential for enhancing its reach and possibilities. The world is currently facing enormous changes whose outcomes are unpredictable. From a revival in the cold war realist dispute of power between the United States and Russia, the collapse of International Law in relation to Ukraine, Crimea and the South China Sea, BREXIT and the imponderable results that may impact the European Union and to the possible d ...
  • July 13, 2016
    Housing is part of the United Nations 11th Sustainable Development Goal, which is to “make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. One of the most important targets of such a goal is to “ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing1 and basic services and upgrade slums”. Since 2007, the world has faced rising inequality, insecurity and climate change impact. According to UN Habitat, 54% of the world´s population currently live in cities. By 2050, this n ...
  • Authors
    Otávio José Guerci Sidone
    Jesús Pascual Mena-Chalco
    January 11, 2016
    Brazilian scholarly output has rapidly increased, accompanied by the expansion of domestic collaborations. In this paper, we identify spatial patterns of collaboration in Brazil and measure the role of geographic proximity in determining the interaction among researchers. Using a database comprising more than one million researchers and seven million publications, we consolidated information on interregional research collaboration in terms of scientific coauthorship networks among 4 ...
  • Authors
    Aicha Belarbi
    May 2, 2014
    It is important to understand how today’s migrations are shaping the architecture of Africa and South America, creating intensive South-South and South-North movement, but a weak flow between the two continents. Political, socioeconomic, and environmental differences between Africa and South America could lead to imbalanced migratory processes between the two continents. Migration policy is not a purely rational enterprise; it is usually designed to please public opinion, and remain ...