

New trends in African migration: Case studies from Morocco and Nigeria


3:00 pm June 2024
Add to Calendar 2024-06-27 15:00:00 2024-06-30 12:30:39 New trends in African migration: Case studies from Morocco and Nigeria Description Location Policy Center Policy Center Africa/Casablanca public

The Policy Center for the New South & The Atlantic Council (Africa Center) are organizing a joint hybrid event on the occasion of the launch of a new report titled “African Migration in the Atlantic basin : Case studies from Morocco and Nigeria” authored by Senior International Relations Specialist Amal El Ouassif  and by Africa Center Senior Fellow Constance Berry Newman.

Over the past twenty years, African migration experienced a sharp upwards trend with significant impacts on both sending and receiving countries. Most Africans choose to move to destinations within the African continent. For those leaving the continent, North America, Europe and the Middle East remain top external destinations for both legal and illegal migrants, including those seeking economic opportunity, education, and fleeing climate-related crises and conflicts across the continent. The tension around immigration has grown as Africa’s population is expected to double by 2050, with African youth making up 42 percent of the global youth population by 2030.

This event will bring together experts for a discussion on the opportunities, challenges, and the way forward for issues surrounding migration within and from the African continent in the twenty-first century.