In this interview, with Mr.Carlos Alexandre Monteiro Reis, Head of the Rabat Programme Office, UNOCT, Morocco, we discuss the current efforts being undertaken to counteract the radicalization of extremist movements, as well as the need for enhanced cooperation to support impoverished and less educated regions. We explore the connection between extremism and socioeconomic conditions, examining how collaboration can effectively address and mitigate these phenomena.
AuthorsRadhi MeddebSeptember 17, 2010The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is a regional organization which was created in 1981, reassembling six Arab countries together: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Thanks to their oil income, GCC countries have enjoyed economic boom since 2002, hence breaking with the 1990s economic slow-down. The year 2002 corresponds to the oil prices’ entry in an upward spiral which has resulted in an increase of both income and foreign assets. This ...
AuthorsSeptember 17, 2010While largely interrupted by the colonial period premise, trade relations between the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa have enjoyed a new boom with the independence era. However, until the end of the 1990s, the African policy of the three Maghreb countries significantly impacted their economic projection. ...
AuthorsFlore GubertSeptember 1, 2010The potential synergy between development and migration has become a key feature of most international migration politics. However, this relationship is far from evident. Flore Gubert helps better understand the complexity of this relationship through the comparison of two regional contexts (Mexico and North Africa), and shows how the political and economic context prevailing in the countries of origin modifies the link between migration and development. This Note de l'Ifri is the ...
AuthorsJean-Luc PeduzziFebruary 20, 2010On November 5th 2009, a cocaine-loaded Boeing 727 aircraft arriving from Venezuela was discovered torched and emptied on a makeshift airstrip in the Malian desert (Gao region). The sahel-saharan area is clearly a contact zone between very distant worlds. ...
AuthorsDida BadiFebruary 20, 2010The industrial revolution underwent by Europe in the 18th century has triggered the need for the major colonial powers to find new markets for their manufactured products. It is in this colonial competitive framework that European explorers delivered information about the different access roads, as well as the Tuareg tribes, notably the Kel Ajjer and the Kel Ahaggar. ...
September 22, 0202بعد تفشي فيروس كورونا المستجد في جل مناطق العالم، اختلفت طرق التصدي له من دولة إلى أخرى. حيث اعتمدت الدول قرارات متفاوتة من حيث الصرامة في ظل الحد من تفشي هذا الوباء. وفي نفس الصدد، اتُخذت عدة قرارات لدعم المواطنين لكي يتاح لهم المرور من هذه الأزمة بأقل الأضرار الممكنة في مختلف القطاعات...
September 15, 0202بفعل التأثير المزدوج للجفاف والقيود المفروضة للحد من انتشار وباء كوفيد-19، يتوقع بنك المغرب (المصرف المركزي) أن يسجل الاقتصاد سنة 2020 أقوى تراجع له منذ 1996، وذلك بنسبة 5,2 بالمئة كما تسببت القيود المفروضة على التنقل في إطار حالة الطوارئ بشلل العديد من القطاعات الاقتصادية بالمغرب. بينم...
June 25, 0021African Futures evolved from a conference to a digital platform and fund that helped impact-driven entrepreneurs and secure the funding and partnerships they need to scale their businesses across the continent. African Futures goal is to help turn national level sustainable business suc...
2510:00 am July 2024This event will be organized by the Green Investment Principles (GIP) Africa Chapter, co-chaired by Bank of Africa and Ninety One, in partnership with the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS). The GIP Africa Chapter, established during COP27 in Egypt, is one of the regional chapters of the GIP for the Belt and Road Initiative, a South-South collaboration aimed at bringing an emerging markets perspective to the global sustainability effort. The GIP initiative was launched in November 2019 by the City of London and Green Finance Committee of the China Society for Finance and Banking. Its membership currently includes 49 signatories, mostly large financial institutions, and over a dozen supporting organizations. Under the GIP, these member institutions, which manage over U ... -
0810:30 am May 2024Le Policy Center for the New South, le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement (PNUD) et la Banque mondiale organisent un évènement de présentation de l’initiative « Parlons Développement » qui aura lieu le mercredi 8 mai 2024 à partir de 11h00. Depuis son lancement en 2021, l’iitiative « Parlons Développement » a su créer un espace d’échanges sur les défis et opportunités du développement au Maroc, impliquant des jeunes, des experts nationaux et internationaux de renom, et de multiples acteurs clés. Avec près de 24 000 jeunes engagés à ce jour et 16 éditions fructueuses, le but étant de partager et de célébrer les résultats de ces dialogues et de mettre en lumière les réalisations de l'initiative. ...